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God's Church: Supper Time!

Supper Time!

But wait... Where is our lord?

If it’s the Lord's supper, isn’t He going to show up? Yes, but in person now! Allow me to explain…

In Luke Chapter 22 verses 19- 20 we hear Jesus tell his disciples to take the bread and fruit of the vine representing his body and blood sacrifice. Look with me…

Luke 22:19-20 NASB And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me." (20) And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.

So, Jesus if we do this in remembrance of you, when will you join us?

Mark 14:24-26 And He said to them, "This is My blood, which confirms the covenant between God and His people. It is poured out as a sacrifice for many. (25) I tell you the truth, I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it new in the Kingdom of God.” (26) Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.

Whenever we participate, we are reminded of Jesus’ promise. There will be a great messianic "banquet," a "wedding supper" of celebration. That’s when we will all partake in His Supper with him. I can’t wait! But there is more, how did it start? Okay, let’s start from the beginning. Lets first look at…

Institution of Lord's Supper

Apparently, the Lord instituted the Supper in connection with eating the Passover meal before His crucifixion even though this poses a chronological problem. Assuming a Friday crucifixion, John's Gospel seems to state that Passover was not celebrated until after Jesus' death and burial (18:28; 19:14).

However, some think that the Galileans and/or the Pharisees ate the Passover on Thursday night, while the Judeans and/or the Sadducees celebrated on Friday night. (The imperfect tense, "were sacrificing" may indicate that priests offered the sacrifices both days.) We will ask Jesus when we get to heaven to clarify this for us! Next, what was the order?

Order of Lord's Supper

The ordinance alone (without the meal) consisted of Christ taking un-leavened bread, giving thanks, distributing it to the disciples and doing the same with the cup.

During the early centuries the more extended service included a love feast, various prayers of thanksgiving and confession, reading and instruction from the Scriptures, the Supper itself, a collection for orphans, widows, sick, and needy, and a holy kiss. (See Didache, 7-15; Justin Martyr, Apology, c. lxvii, and c. lxv.)

The first reference above from Justin Martyr states that the wine was mixed with water. The Scriptures do not use the word "wine" in connection with the Supper, only "the cup" or "the fruit of the vine." Of course it was juice from the grape, but whether fermented or not is not stated.

There is no mandate specifically appointing a time to observe our Lords supper… However, scripture states whenever we do, to “do this in remembrance of Him”.

And we shall!

Love to all, Pastor Mike

(602) 510-5563 Next week- The significance of Lords supper.

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