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Tell Your Story

You can do it! I'll testify to it!

The Apostle Paul delivers a powerful testimony in Galatians 1:11-24. We find an important message for us to live out today being this: When God transforms a life, there's always a testimony. Testimony: A formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law. Testimonies are meant to be told, not hidden. Because of these truths, every genuine believer in Jesus Christ has a story to tell. Our story centers on the gospel and what Jesus Christ did for us, not on us and what we do for Him. We need to affirm that from the start. But this doesn't change the fact that God is telling a story through us. As we tell the story, our testimony can provide a simple framework for delivering the gospel message. Many of us break into a cold sweat when we hear the word "testimony". Don't panic! Sharing your testimony is actually quite simple. The following suggestions will help relieve some of the pressure. Allow me to suggest four things not to do when you tell your story.

1) Don't preach, just talk.

Can ya believe it, this came from a preacher! When you give your testimony, don't make demands, or bully the person with whom you're speaking. Let your story speak for itself.

2) Don't generalize, be specific.

Mention places, events, and people. Share how you felt and what you were thinking. Most of all, though, be specific about how you came to the point of becoming a Christian. This will help people overcome their own obstacles on the path leading to Christ.

3) Don't be vague, be simple and clear.

Talk straight and use plain terms. This isn't the time to impress people with any high-handed theological lingo. Put away your Christianese. Terms like "got saved" or "went forward" or "sinner's prayer" or "redeemed by grace" are meaningless to most unbelievers.

4) Finally, don't defend yourself...

Declare your story. You don't need to argue if somebody questions the validity of your testimony. This world is filled with cynics and skeptics, but it's also replete with eager folks whom the Lord has prepared to hear your story. Just tell your own story, explaining the difference it has made... then trust in the power of God to move in the hearts of those who hear. You don't need to tell all the details. Simply talk about trusting in Christ.

Next week I’ll give ya there things to consider when sharing your testimony!

Love to all in Christ,

Pastor Mike

(602) 510-5563

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